The BioSynErgy 76 project consists of the creation of an energy recovery plant allowing the supply of the urban heating network (RCU) of the city of Le Havre using biomass and Solid Recovered Fuels as fuel, and thus allows the delivery heat to several industrial companies located in the port area.
The grapple is an autonomous electro-hydraulic “claw” type with teeth whose profile allows good penetration into the pile of waste.
As part of this project, SUEZ entrusted us with the supply of 2 automatic cranes for the handling of combustible products and 1 overhead crane for the handling of clinker including.
- The general design, execution and specific studies.
- Supplies of emergency equipment and parts, factory receipts.
- Assembly, lifting and installation of equipment, carrying out tests.
- Supervision and operation during installation start-up.
- Training of operating personnel during installation start-up.